You Don’t Catch a Virus… A Virus Catches You: Part 1
I have written extensively on COVID-19 and unfortunately, the mass hysteria caused by a total economic shutdown, social distancing, face masks and weeks of in-home lockdowns has numbed the brain and dulled our sense of reasoning. The idea is to educate not alienate. This blog will be divided into 2 parts.
Let’s Talk 5G and CoronaVirus
5G antennas and towers are being installed across the country, touting the benefits yet not a word about the KNOWN health risks of 5G high frequency microwave EMF on the human body.
Google Agrees with Trump: China’s Communication Giant Huawei Now on U.S. Blacklist
With the trade war escalating with China, what does the U.S. Blacklisting Chinese communication giant Huawei mean for the U.S. and for Google? Do they agree with Trump’s economic sanctions? What about personal privacy/security- and how is this a potential military threat? Read this blog to learn more.