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Dr. Sal Martingano

Dr. Sal Martingano is a featured motivational speaker, educator, and author. His career has taken him from teaching industrial arts in high school and college classrooms to be coming a leading Doctor of Chiropractic. He continues his educational expertise with 21 years of radio and cable TV broadcasting and has authored numerous health and wellness articles.

Dr. Sal is an avid historian who believes that “Words Have Meaning” and that education is the key to understanding the political environment of today’s society. His latest book: “America’s Democracy Betrayed: Solutions To Fight Back”, empowers and entertains minds of all ages on the complex world of politics, and inspires thoughtful conversation on our “American Dream”.

Sal’s book: “Boys of Brooklyn: A Time When Life Never Sucked” reflects on the exciting memoirs of life as a first wave Italian baby boomer from Brooklyn, and shows how the lessons learned from that era are now more relevant than ever.

Featured Speaker

Public Speaking

Dr. Sal Martingano is proud to continue his mission of education and inspiration. He has been the guest speaker for national and international organizations, a graduate keynote speaker for multiple education institutions, and speaks on topics such as: Philosophy, Careers, Research, Biology, Neuroanatomy, Politics, and Constitutional Rights. Below are some of Dr. Sal’s notable speaking engagements.

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Pubished Author

Books By
Dr. Sal

Enjoyable reads discussing important events and topics from our past, present, and future.

Blog Writer

Engaging &

Dr. Sal is an accomplished blog writer and is available to be a featured blogger for your organization or publication. Below are a few of Dr. Sal’s latest blogs.

U.S. Politics One Man One Vote or Corporate Control-Blog-Feature-Image

U.S. Politics: One Man One Vote or Corporate Control

The perception that politics is corrupted by the influence of big corporations is a widespread and often valid concern. The sheer need for continued widespread private donations to match corporate donor influence is a sure sign of “money talks” in today’s political arena. This viewpoint is clearly visible when related to campaign finance, lobbying, and political behavior. Here’s an overview of some of the factors that influence our political landscape, leading to corruption in politics.

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America’s Economic Crossroads: The Urgent Need for Leadership and Accountability

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess (bestowing money to others) out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.”

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