What is Happening to Our Country?
Just watch any TV news channel or talk radio program and you will be treated to mind-numbing un-American, unconstitutional rhetoric and behavior that is being ignored by the very people we elected to insure our constitutional future. In case you haven’t noticed, America is under siege from a communist/socialist takeover. How can this happen you say?The ultimate “plan” has been exposed. Unless we take back control, America, as we know it, will be a statistical casualty controlled by International Corporations- further protected by corrupt legislation.
Hate Trump? Read This…
In all my years of voting, I never thought a president would be voted upon based on hating one candidate more than approval of the other. One thing is for certain, our upcoming presidential elections will be determined by the millions and millions of dollars spent convincing opposing voters to hate their opponent.
A Republic vs. A Democracy: The Great Educational Divide
Left-leaning citizens often say: “I’m a proud supporter of democracy”… but what does that really mean? Are they aware that the intention of our Founding Fathers was for this nation to be a representative republic and utterly detested the idea of a proper “democracy”? Did you know that the word “democracy” is not even mentioned in the Declaration of Independence OR the U.S. Constitution? Why? Because the United States was founded as a republic… NOT a democracy. Read this blog to learn more about what our current “democracy” really is, and what it can be when citizens are fully informed.
Let’s Talk Media Deception: Sold to the Highest Bidder
“You can’t believe everything you hear”- especially when it comes to the extreme bias shown by the media conglomerates. The “top stories” are often sold to the highest bidder- to where corporate or political sponsors use their influence to CREATE stories rather than REPORT them. Sal outlines the history and reasons behind the deception and provides questions that every U.S. should be asking to help recognize American policy from planned agendas.