Pure Democracy, Representative Republic, Democratic Socialism…Which is the America We Want?

Without diligence and resistance to the forces of tyranny, people will slowly become complacent and “duped” by clever, well-funded politicians, beholden to the ideals of large corporations that expect returns on their investment. Is it any wonder that when a self-made individual like Donald Trump bypasses the system and gains political prominence, governing stops, and the mission strategy changes to a “seek and destroy at all costs”?

Hate Trump? Read This…

In all my years of voting, I never thought a president would be voted upon based on hating one candidate more than approval of the other. One thing is for certain, our upcoming presidential elections will be determined by the millions and millions of dollars spent convincing opposing voters to hate their opponent.

Let’s Talk Media Deception: Sold to the Highest Bidder

Media Deception

“You can’t believe everything you hear”- especially when it comes to the extreme bias shown by the media conglomerates. The “top stories” are often sold to the highest bidder- to where corporate or political sponsors use their influence to CREATE stories rather than REPORT them. Sal outlines the history and reasons behind the deception and provides questions that every U.S. should be asking to help recognize American policy from planned agendas.

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