Hate Trump? Read This…
In all my years of voting, I never thought a president would be voted upon based on hating one candidate more than approval of the other. One thing is for certain, our upcoming presidential elections will be determined by the millions and millions of dollars spent convincing opposing voters to hate their opponent.
Bill Gates and Novel Coronavirus
From patenting “modified” COVID-19 strains, to the “ID 2020” plan (implanted microchips), Bill Gates is not actually the well-meaning philanthropist that we may perceive him to be- especially with his downright scary views on Eugenics, vaccinations, and population control.
The Weaponizing of COVID-19: Time for A Reality Check
COVID-19 is more than just a “pandemic”. It’s a dangerous ploy, backed by incorrect predictions, to push political agendas and population control. Read more to see how American values are continually compromised and may even be part of a more devious “16 year plan to destroy America”.
Lessons To Be Learned From Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Our encounter with COVID-19 is without precedent. This virus has caused worldwide shutdown, pandemic and eminent economic collapse… But something is fishy with the numbers. Read more and prepare to be surprised.