COVID-19: A Fabricated Ruse- Creating Poverty and Injustice
The time has come to face some realities… The sinister effects of this “pandemic” have us at a tipping point, where fair play and following guidelines are no longer acceptable.
The ultimate “plan” has been exposed. Unless we take back control, America, as we know it, will be a statistical casualty controlled by International Corporations- further protected by corrupt legislation.
Bill Gates and Novel Coronavirus
From patenting “modified” COVID-19 strains, to the “ID 2020” plan (implanted microchips), Bill Gates is not actually the well-meaning philanthropist that we may perceive him to be- especially with his downright scary views on Eugenics, vaccinations, and population control.
The Weaponizing of COVID-19: Time for A Reality Check
COVID-19 is more than just a “pandemic”. It’s a dangerous ploy, backed by incorrect predictions, to push political agendas and population control. Read more to see how American values are continually compromised and may even be part of a more devious “16 year plan to destroy America”.
Lessons To Be Learned From Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Our encounter with COVID-19 is without precedent. This virus has caused worldwide shutdown, pandemic and eminent economic collapse… But something is fishy with the numbers. Read more and prepare to be surprised.