COVID-19: A Fabricated Ruse- Creating Poverty and Injustice
The time has come to face some realities… The sinister effects of this “pandemic” have us at a tipping point, where fair play and following guidelines are no longer acceptable.
The ultimate “plan” has been exposed. Unless we take back control, America, as we know it, will be a statistical casualty controlled by International Corporations- further protected by corrupt legislation.
Sometimes Science Isn’t Enough
During this “pandemic”, scientific protocols have become intertwined with political and economic pressures, never before witnessed in American society. Experts are flip-flopping their opinions, death estimates have been grossly over estimated, and the economy is in total chaos, creating nationwide fear and anxiety. How confusing is it to be told that we must listen to science, but in practice, do just the opposite?
Pandemic? … Or Political Bondage?
The intent of this blog is not political. However, it’s impossible to ignore the political fingerprints of the extreme, left-leaning, radical approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are “forced” to follow unprecedented draconian measures in the name of “flattening the advance” of COVID-19. This world has never seen something like this, and frankly, it’s terrifying. Somebody’s gotta speak up!
Dr. Fauci: “Expert” or Co-Conspirator… Time for a Second Look
“Experts” often have interests or financial ties that are contrary to elements within their expertise, and alter or at the very least, compromise their authority and integrity. Apparently, when it comes to COVID-19, these “experts” are not to be questioned… But this author disagrees. Read more to learn about what’s happening with these “experts” and how to discern what’s best for you and yours.
COVID-19: Another Chapter in the History of Deception and Secrecy
COVID-19 is more than just a “pandemic”. It’s a dangerous ploy, backed by incorrect predictions, to push political agendas and population control. Read more to see how American values are continually compromised and may even be part of a more devious “16 year plan to destroy America”.
Bill Gates and Novel Coronavirus
From patenting “modified” COVID-19 strains, to the “ID 2020” plan (implanted microchips), Bill Gates is not actually the well-meaning philanthropist that we may perceive him to be- especially with his downright scary views on Eugenics, vaccinations, and population control.
The Weaponizing of COVID-19: Time for A Reality Check
COVID-19 is more than just a “pandemic”. It’s a dangerous ploy, backed by incorrect predictions, to push political agendas and population control. Read more to see how American values are continually compromised and may even be part of a more devious “16 year plan to destroy America”.
Lessons To Be Learned From Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Our encounter with COVID-19 is without precedent. This virus has caused worldwide shutdown, pandemic and eminent economic collapse… But something is fishy with the numbers. Read more and prepare to be surprised.