Pure Democracy, Representative Republic, Democratic Socialism…Which is the America We Want?
Without diligence and resistance to the forces of tyranny, people will slowly become complacent and “duped” by clever, well-funded politicians, beholden to the ideals of large corporations that expect returns on their investment. Is it any wonder that when a self-made individual like Donald Trump bypasses the system and gains political prominence, governing stops, and the mission strategy changes to a “seek and destroy at all costs”?
Hate Trump? Read This…
In all my years of voting, I never thought a president would be voted upon based on hating one candidate more than approval of the other. One thing is for certain, our upcoming presidential elections will be determined by the millions and millions of dollars spent convincing opposing voters to hate their opponent.
Sometimes Science Isn’t Enough
During this “pandemic”, scientific protocols have become intertwined with political and economic pressures, never before witnessed in American society. Experts are flip-flopping their opinions, death estimates have been grossly over estimated, and the economy is in total chaos, creating nationwide fear and anxiety. How confusing is it to be told that we must listen to science, but in practice, do just the opposite?
Pandemic? … Or Political Bondage?
The intent of this blog is not political. However, it’s impossible to ignore the political fingerprints of the extreme, left-leaning, radical approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are “forced” to follow unprecedented draconian measures in the name of “flattening the advance” of COVID-19. This world has never seen something like this, and frankly, it’s terrifying. Somebody’s gotta speak up!
The Political Temper Tantrum of a Lifetime
As a student of history, it is important that unbiased evaluation overrides political, social, or personal leanings. I have written numerous blogs on politics, corona virus and events that are shaping our country, each designed to educate not alienate. However, I see in the near future a national crisis approaching that unnerves me. The time has come to state the obvious; ”we are losing our country” to radical forces hiding beneath the thin veil of constitutional amendments.
You Don’t Catch a Virus… A Virus Catches You: Part 2
Based on Part 1 of this blog, you may have decided to push the “conspiracy” button. Before you do, understand that the “virology” lesson was not about vaccines but rather the biological truth about immunology apart from complicated terminology or any corporate, pharmaceutical, or organizational influence. The fact is, you will not likely find unbiased vaccine information via web searches since vaccine information is written and paid for by entities with vested interests.
You Don’t Catch a Virus… A Virus Catches You: Part 1
I have written extensively on COVID-19 and unfortunately, the mass hysteria caused by a total economic shutdown, social distancing, face masks and weeks of in-home lockdowns has numbed the brain and dulled our sense of reasoning. The idea is to educate not alienate. This blog will be divided into 2 parts.
The 1918 “Spanish Flu”: Only The Vaccinated Died
Vaccine promoters claim that vaccines wiped out most infectious diseases. History tells us a different story. Infectious diseases like Measles, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever and Polio, were all at their lowest levels and dropping, BEFORE the vaccines were introduced- a sinister secret held for over 100 years. Do the world-changing protocols from COVID-19 also contain hidden secrets? Read more to find out.
The Declaration Of Dependence: A Betrayal Of The American Dream – Book One: Media and the Government – NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM!
Sal’s New Book: “The Declaration of Dependence: A Betrayal of the American Dream” “BOOK ONE: Media and the Government” is NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM! Read this blog for a “Sneak-Peek”. From the deception of the media, social media’s control of public opinion, the rise of fake news, and the lasting impacts of the Obama administration. Sal walks the reader through how we became The Corporate States of America, and provides solutions on how to stay united to gain back our independence!