Holocaust Survivor Says America Looks Very Similar to Nazi Germany
In 2013, Holocaust Survivor Kitty Werthmann described the step-by-step process of how, in 1938, an independent Austria relinquished its sovereignty voluntarily to the socialist ideals of Adolph Hitler.
The ultimate “plan” has been exposed. Unless we take back control, America, as we know it, will be a statistical casualty controlled by International Corporations- further protected by corrupt legislation.
Impeachment, Hatred, Violence… A Dangerous Political Game
Recent American politics have exposed the best and worst in our elected officials, most of whom are attorneys or former prosecutors, practicing their craft under the guise of congressional cover. The outcome is not a scripted Perry Mason court episode, the outcome can make or break this country.
Lessons Learned from Another Failed Impeachment… Part One: Five FACTS vs. The “Schiff List”
Recent American politics have exposed the best and worst in our elected officials, most of whom are attorneys or former prosecutors, practicing their craft under the guise of congressional cover. The outcome is not a scripted Law & Order episode, it can make or break this country.