Impeachment, Hatred, Violence… A Dangerous Political Game
Recent American politics have exposed the best and worst in our elected officials, most of whom are attorneys or former prosecutors, practicing their craft under the guise of congressional cover. The outcome is not a scripted Perry Mason court episode, the outcome can make or break this country.
Hate Trump? Read This…
In all my years of voting, I never thought a president would be voted upon based on hating one candidate more than approval of the other. One thing is for certain, our upcoming presidential elections will be determined by the millions and millions of dollars spent convincing opposing voters to hate their opponent.
The Political Temper Tantrum of a Lifetime
As a student of history, it is important that unbiased evaluation overrides political, social, or personal leanings. I have written numerous blogs on politics, corona virus and events that are shaping our country, each designed to educate not alienate. However, I see in the near future a national crisis approaching that unnerves me. The time has come to state the obvious; ”we are losing our country” to radical forces hiding beneath the thin veil of constitutional amendments.
Global Warming…A Very Convenient LIE
Leading “global warming” scientists revealed conspiracies, collusions, data manipulation, destruction of information, and even admission of flaws that were buried.
“The New Way Forward Act” …A Giant Step Backward The Ultimate Insanity
This House of Representatives Democratic proposed legislation, “The New Way Forward Act” was introduced last year and might be the most damaging, radical piece of legislation in modern U.S. history.
Lessons Learned from Another Failed Impeachment… Part One: Five FACTS vs. The “Schiff List”
Recent American politics have exposed the best and worst in our elected officials, most of whom are attorneys or former prosecutors, practicing their craft under the guise of congressional cover. The outcome is not a scripted Law & Order episode, it can make or break this country.
The Omnibus Bill…The Political Games We Play
An Omnibus Bill is a spending bill that contains more than one government substantive matter, or several minor matters which have been combined into one bill, ostensibly for the sake of convenience. This bill is a take-it-or-leave-it result due to poor planning and negotiations within congress. Now it falls on the presidents lap with complete disregard to the already high federal budget.
Mediocrity Rules! Let’s Talk Next Generation
The high-tech lifestyles of Millennials have either pushed them into economic and business savvy greatness or made them too complacent to take on life’s challenges. in 2019, Millennials will be the largest U.S. Generation as 77 million Boomers approach old age and retirement. But are the next generations strong enough and prepared to meet the challenge?
Trump Impeachment… The Liberal’s Hidden Agenda
America is polarized by relentless banter on radio, TV, and the internet. Mainstream media allows “talking heads” to make their case for/against impeachment by repeating the same words and phrases approved by their “corporate” bosses. It’s like watching a movie in fast motion where no one can really follow the storyline. It’s not only maddening, it’s intentional. Information overload is the perfect tool for creating followers, instead of thinkers. When people aren’t willing to listen, discussion stops, and sides are chosen. Less citizen participation means politicians get their way. The only recourse is to understand the system. After all, IT’S YOUR SYSTEM!!
Youth Indoctrination Under Climate Change
Perspective is a great teacher that can be a valuable tool in understanding the Socialist mindset of today’s Democratic leaders. Using climate change (in this case) to invoke FEAR into the minds of the ‘uninformed’ youth is a Marxist/Communist technique used by tyrants and dictators as a rallying call to separate children from parental influence, eventually forcing them into compliance. This blog explains how today’s political rhetoric has turned to shaming ‘non-believers’ of climate change, as if it were a religion, and how we all must pay close attention to detail to understand the final agenda.