Lessons Learned from Another Failed Impeachment… Part One: Five FACTS vs. The “Schiff List”
Recent American politics have exposed the best and worst in our elected officials, most of whom are attorneys or former prosecutors, practicing their craft under the guise of congressional cover. The outcome is not a scripted Law & Order episode, it can make or break this country.
Trump Impeachment… The Liberal’s Hidden Agenda
America is polarized by relentless banter on radio, TV, and the internet. Mainstream media allows “talking heads” to make their case for/against impeachment by repeating the same words and phrases approved by their “corporate” bosses. It’s like watching a movie in fast motion where no one can really follow the storyline. It’s not only maddening, it’s intentional. Information overload is the perfect tool for creating followers, instead of thinkers. When people aren’t willing to listen, discussion stops, and sides are chosen. Less citizen participation means politicians get their way. The only recourse is to understand the system. After all, IT’S YOUR SYSTEM!!
The Impeachment of Donald Trump… A Road to Nowhere
When Constitutional principles are weaponized, our republic is in grave danger. Never has this been more apparent than with the recent Trump impeachment “inquiry” kicked off by Nancy Pelosi- despite the lack of the serious offenses (treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors) required to do so.