Our story begins in the humble setting of the Bensonhurst neighborhood in Brooklyn, one of the five boroughs of New York City. It was a place that was not too different from the many other small communities around the country at that time. However, it became the one place that history will remember because of the “Boys of Brooklyn.” This is our story.
One thing is for sure; the world existed before we got here and will go on as if we never existed. We have been blessed with a calling to better ourselves and in doing so we will better the world around us. Our legacy is that we made a difference.
Our time as a culture has probably passed. What’s left of it remains in our memories and on re-runs of Dick Clark and American Bandstand. One thing is for sure: our kids know that something very special happened to us while we were growing up, something that all technologies and sophisticated virtual reality video games can never match. There is a difference between virtual reality and reality itself. We lived reality; you can’t explain it, you have to live it. We did.
Eloy hernandez –
Truthfully, I was skeptical about reading a book about an Italian from Brooklyn in the 50s – 70s. Me being a Hispanic millennial from Florida… I’m definitely not a baby boomer and was taking chance on this book.
I REGRET NOTHING! Boys of Brooklyn will go down as one of the best memoirs I’ve ever read.
This book is a first-person view of what life was like going growing up in New York. From childhood to retirement, you could say it’s a full coming of age story. Ha-ha My favorite chapter has to be the “Alaskan Fishing Adventures” but nothing tugged on my heartstrings quite like Ernie’s story.. He was the Superman of the Boys of Brooklyn and will always be. (you’ll know what I mean when you read the book)
Elia Osborne –
I loved the book. The stories were interesting. Totally different from how it is today; it was so much simpler then.