The Political Temper Tantrum of a Lifetime
As a student of history, it is important that unbiased evaluation overrides political, social, or personal leanings. I have written numerous blogs on politics, corona virus and events that are shaping our country, each designed to educate not alienate. However, I see in the near future a national crisis approaching that unnerves me. The time has come to state the obvious; ”we are losing our country” to radical forces hiding beneath the thin veil of constitutional amendments.
Let’s Talk Lies by Omission: The True Russian Election Meddlers
Join Sal as he walks you through the creation of “The Global Engagement Center”. From its foundation in the Obama era, to the fumblings of the Mueller investigation- this blog will make you wonder if it was Russians meddling in our elections… Or was it our very own government? The facts may surprise you.