COVID-19: A Fabricated Ruse- Creating Poverty and Injustice

The time has come to face some realities… The sinister effects of this “pandemic” have us at a tipping point, where fair play and following guidelines are no longer acceptable.

The ultimate “plan” has been exposed. Unless we take back control, America, as we know it, will be a statistical casualty controlled by International Corporations- further protected by corrupt legislation.


Dr. Fauci: “Expert” or Co-Conspirator… Time for a Second Look

“Experts” often have interests or financial ties that are contrary to elements within their expertise, and alter or at the very least, compromise their authority and integrity. Apparently, when it comes to COVID-19, these “experts” are not to be questioned… But this author disagrees. Read more to learn about what’s happening with these “experts” and how to discern what’s best for you and yours.

You Don’t Catch a Virus… A Virus Catches You: Part 2

Based on Part 1 of this blog, you may have decided to push the “conspiracy” button. Before you do, understand that the “virology” lesson was not about vaccines but rather the biological truth about immunology apart from complicated terminology or any corporate, pharmaceutical, or organizational influence. The fact is, you will not likely find unbiased vaccine information via web searches since vaccine information is written and paid for by entities with vested interests.

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