Let’s Talk The Social Media Government Connection (Part 2)

In part 2 of this blog, Sal asks “What the hell is happening to our country”? With the Organic Act of 1871, the Corporate States of America was created. Now, with our collective dependence on social media, it’s never been easier for corporations to buy, sell, and use personal data with impunity- creating the illusion of free speech.

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Media Deception

Let’s Talk Media Deception: Sold to the Highest Bidder

“You can’t believe everything you hear”- especially when it comes to the extreme bias shown by the media conglomerates. The “top stories” are often sold to the highest bidder- to where corporate or political sponsors use their influence to CREATE stories rather than REPORT them. Sal outlines the history and reasons behind the deception and provides questions that every U.S. should be asking to help recognize American policy from planned agendas.

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The Creature from Jekyll Island

Sal’s Book Review #5: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve – G. Edward Griffin

In this 5ht installment of Sal’s Book Reviews, discover how G. Edward Griffin’s Book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” explains the history of the Federal Reserve Banking System, from it’s beginnings in the early 1900s, all the way up to today- with all the plot twists, and characters you would expect from a Hollywood Movie! A Great Read.

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Let’s Talk Mexican Tariffs and Immigration

Read more about how President Trump has backed down from imposing a 5% tariff on Mexican imports (that would have started June 10- then increasing 5% per month- up to 25%) after Mexican negotiators agreed to an aggressive crackdown on Central American migrants.

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Hippie Counter Culture

Lessons Learned: The Hippie Counterculture

Baby Boomers were much like the Generation-X of the 1960s and 1970s. Caught between the Hippie Counterculture, the Vietnam War, higher education, and everything in between… Sal reflects on the influence that politics at the time has continued into today’s society, and all the insights learned along the way. Not to mention some pretty darn good music!

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