Articles like this one on the deceit the Media and Government are forcing on us daily are part of my regular reporting on what is really going on with our country today. After decades of “down & dirty” research and learning, my mission today is to share information in this forum, and in the books I have authored, to educate, enlighten, and empower my fellow citizens to truly understand what is at stake in our country. You can get many more details and the full story in my book: The Declaration of Dependence. I urge you to buy it and read it. Today!
In 2013, Holocaust Survivor Kitty Werthmann described the step-by-step process of how, in 1938, an independent Austria relinquished its sovereignty voluntarily to the socialist ideals of Adolph Hitler. In 2013, Ms. Werthmann, then a state lobbyist in the South Dakota state legislature, stated that the same warning signs that existed in Europe before WW2 are raising their ugly heads in America.
The following is a summary of part of her amazing presentation and the similarities:
In 1938, Austria was in a deep depression with 38% unemployment. There were riots in the streets and entire blocks were being burnt down by political dissidents. The controlled media at the time was touting that Hitler’s Germany had full employment and no political problems. At the next election cycle, 98% of Austria decided to follow Hitler’s leadership called “National Socialism.”
.▪ Within 6 months of Hitler’s takeover, he suspended ALL elections of any kind in Austria resorting to only “appointed” government officials
▪ All travel within and outside Austria was allowed only with government issued ID cards
The Real ID Act (2020) is a government surveillance biometric tool under the guise of better security. It will lead to a slippery slope of government monitoring of citizens.
▪ No one was permitted to question government actions. Those that did lost all their rights.
Social media now restricts First Amendment rights and acts as a pseudo-governmental censoring body.
▪ Hitler gave free radios to the population, but nationalized all transmissions to espouse only Hitler’s agenda and speeches
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) instituted the “Fairness Doctrine” to ensure public broadcasters present controversial issues of public importance in an honest, equitable, and balanced manner. Today, the liberal/socialist-biased media tramples on the Fairness Doctrine, restricting free speech and access to alternative information.
▪ All newspapers were censored by Hitler
Newspapers and nearly all present-day media outlets are essentially censored against anti-government rhetoric.
▪ Hitler instituted Equal Rights for everyone and a guaranteed income
▪ Equal rights meant equality of wealth, by raising taxes by 70%
▪ Raising the lowest income level to meet the middle class, i.e., Socialism
Massive government relief spending, using the COVID pandemic as a trigger, will raise taxes, create a dependent lower class espousing socialism, while destroying the middle class by disincentivizing the working class with bailout income.
▪ Free childcare for everyone, taught by young skilled child psychologist women, who were charged with molding the youth without parental guidance
Present day democratic rule wants free education, childcare, and healthcare to create socialist policy loyalty, but would bankrupt the country without drastically raising taxes. Children will be taught by liberal childcare workers and teachers without parental guidance.
▪ Education was nationalized. There were no more prayers with folded hands but instead children were taught to greet each other with the “Heil Hitler” salute.
Liberal democrats have removed prayer from schools and created curriculum to exclude parental influence
▪ School children were taught not to listen to their parents; the government knows best.
Today, the U.S. education system is more concerned with diversity, equality, and inclusivity, to the exclusion of possible “conservative” parental values. Family values are being replaced by government teaching, as it was during Hitler’s rule.
▪ All young men received sports equipment and free motorcycles and were known as “The Brown Shirts”
Hitler’s “Brownshirts” are today’s organized Antifa-style protesters, who disrupt our democratic republic by organizing street riots, smashing windows, blocking traffic, setting fires, vandalizing, and even beating to death innocent bystanders to spread fear and panic. The objective is the same and is just as effective.
▪ Healthcare was nationalized and turned the system into a “conveyor belt” type coverage where only minimum care was offered. Doctors were salaried by the socialist government. No free-market opportunities allowed
The Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) was the first step toward socialized healthcare, where the free market is replaced by government regulations, minimum coverages and paid for by higher taxes.
▪ Stringent, oppressive government rules and regulations controlled all business
▪ No healthcare money was allocated for the aged
If Obamacare’s major reductions are implemented by Congress over the coming decade, seniors’ ability to access Medicare services will surely diminish.
▪ Hitler ordered abortions for all babies born to non-Aryan parents. Over 20,000 babies were killed
Planned Parenthood’s radical atheist founder, Margaret Sanger, describes in her 1922 book, a “how to” approach to abortions based on the same premises espoused by Hitler.
▪ Formation of a Federal Police Force (Gestapo), that watched everyone’s movements and actions, leading to a civilian “informant” network
A Federal police force is unconstitutional yet does exist when applied to the “War on Drugs” 1970’s taskforce. Today, the Patriot Act gives the Federal government “Gestapo” type powers in the name of terrorism.
▪ Gun control was strictly enforced, under the guise that children can play with guns. All guns had to be registered. The object was to disarm the public.
There are some 300 meaningful Federal gun laws on the books today, in a desperate attempt to undermine our 2nd amendment right.
America has been influenced by a socialist agenda for decades, but freedom is a tough cycle to break.
The present Democratic party is in full control of American government. Future congressional leaders like the “Squad” openly push a socialist agenda. Pre-WW2 Germany was also controlled by a small group within its population. Ms. Werthmann’s description of Hitler’s model is eerily similar to today’s America.
It took under 5 years (1938 – 1943) to convert Austria to full blown Socialism. Austrians had no idea what the consequences of Socialism would be, and I dare say neither will America.
When people fear their government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the people, you have liberty
2 Responses
I commend Mrs. Werthmann on speaking out against fascism as it was unfurling and gaining ascendancy during the Obama years. Obama’s strategy was to force social disintegration vis-a-vis starting a race war and a war on natural sexuality. He succeeded in both which basically turned half the population and all the institutions into hate-filled souls, looking for their “revenge” on decency/morality. Whereas Hitler had the social chaos of economic depression and loss of self-esteem after Germany’s defeat in WW1 to exploit and latch his deadly policies onto the masses’ psyche, this ennui had to be created by the Democratic machinery as there were no “political crises” at hand during the first decade of the New Millennium. Once the act of hating became liberated and legitimized by institutions, the needed “people’s army” of socialism was formed.
Although Werthmann’s story is important from a historical perspective, she really did not provide any in-depth analysis of the Nazis hold on power. Instead she tells of being “tricked, threatened into becoming an informer, and oblivious to extermination camps”, all signifying “bad judgment” by otherwise rational people. Another point worth mentioning is her pleading to keep our guns–there must be at least as many in the hands of American citizens as there would be in the largest army in the world, but has that stopped the election steal and the final destruction of democracy as is occurring under Biden? Again, a deafening “No” as this rationality is not a forte of the public’s thinking.
If the Austrian’s were tricked into voting for Hitler, why did they not realize his psychotic values afterwards and revolt against him? There were plenty of signs–targeting a race for its elimination from social intercourse, the destruction of liberty and trust between people, and war mongering, etc. The fact is that Austria and other nations that aligned with Hitler did so because something inside them wanted to. The unspoken but useful adage of “Little Hitlers/Stalins” neatly explains the conundrum of people working against truth and thus liberty. No fascist leader can survive for more than a day without his loyal cult followers who are symbiotically attached to him on an emotional level. It is a demagogue who entices the masses via their unmet and frustrated needs, and offers release. This dangerous psychological interplay is described in detail by Wilhelm Reich, who called it the “emotional plague.” We all have deep-seated fears and frustrations that are usually hidden and under control–which typically lead to personal problems–except when a demagogue liberates these destructive impulses for a social program (i.e., global warming, racism, inequality), leading to the chaos we are witnessing today. The latest victim of emotional plague is the medical establishment who is utilizing tyranny to fight the Covid plandemic, and thus really infect the masses both literally with the injections and figuratively with guilt and cowardice. One cannot win this war without understanding the unconscious machinations at work AND also accepting that we can easily trick ourselves into blindness.
Hi Sal, just popped over to make sure the Rockefeller gang haven’t nailed you. I hope you’re in good health.
Some links may be of interest. The vaxecution jabs have never been about curing the electrical disease lately called covid19.
Firstenberg’s reviews and summaries appear to be getting sanitised. This one is still available.
The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg revised.
Very Detailed Explanation Of The Great Reset And The New World Order
what is the death rate for covid-19 vaccine
Lab Analysis of Children’s COVID-19 Face Masks Reveal ‘Dangerous’ ‘Pathogenic Bacteria’
If you’ve had thespike protein vaccine and you get symptoms, the cure is vit D 30k iu for several days and C60. You should be taking 2000 units C vit regularly at your age in any case to keep you looking young, and alive..
Clif High had an interesting interview with USA Today
1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code
Let’s hope it isn’t hope porn.
Stay well matey.