By Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA
“Democracy… while it lasts, is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
John Adams
As a former educator from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, I have seen, first-hand how the education system has gone FAR astray from what was traditionally taught in American schools. This is particularly evident when laying the educational foundations to empower future generations in their voting decisions and in better understanding the U.S. political system.
Left-leaning citizens often say: “I’m a proud supporter of democracy”… but what does that really mean? Are they aware that the intention of our Founding Fathers was for this nation to be a representative republic and utterly detested the idea of a proper “democracy”? Did you know that the word “democracy” is not even mentioned in the Declaration of Independence OR the U.S. Constitution?
Social Democrats Use Political Leverage to “Rewrite History”
This fact is, the United States of America was founded as a republic. This does not bode well with social democrats. They use mob-rule mentality to twist citizen’s seemingly good intentions to support their own causes, not just through media slander, but even down to “rewriting history” to erase any historical OR future opposition. How? By using political influence to alter the very core history and social studies lessons children are taught in schools.
What most people do not know is that in 2010 the State Board of Regents and Education in most states, voted unanimously to eliminate Social Studies and American History as formerly taught, in favor of a “common core” curriculum, concentrating on Technology, English Language Arts, and Mathematics.
Now American History is taught ONLY from 1750 onward, concentrating on memorization of dates, people, places and events (testable questions), with little or no regard to relevance to our country’s founding’s of our government.
Sadly, today’s school children learn of George Washington and our Founding Fathers through the play “Hamilton” and learn next to nothing about why (for example) the Electoral College was even formed in the first place. But, hey, as long as we’re teaching it, and kids are believing it, then the damning reality of living in this “democracy” is already well-rooted. That’s just scary.
*Wait… We were taught that we live in a Democracy.
Do we even really want that? Let’s do a little reality check:
A Democracy: Defined
In a Democracy, when 51% of voters want something, they get it. Oddly, democracy is how monarch’s and king’s rule, where the people can either be in the majority or have no representation at all as the minority.
“Democracy… is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder; and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.”
A Republic: Defined
A Representative Republic protects the rights of all citizens, not just the majority. The ‘election process’ (ballot box) and ‘proportionate state representation’ (electoral college) were designed to ensure that majority rule doesn’t become ‘mob rule’.
“In the Constitution of the American Republic there was a deliberate and very extensive and emphatic division of governmental power for the very purpose of preventing unbridled majority rule.”
Robert W. Welch, Jr.
Republic. Democracy. They Seem Pretty Similar. So, What’s the Difference?
The difference between a democracy and a republic is not merely a question of semantics but is fundamental to our present political process.
In a democracy, decisions are made in the heat of the moment, while periodic elections in a republic provide a cooling off period. Democracies are ruled by feelings and are synonymous with Socialist ideologies.
In a republic, the rule of law governs. Politicians can take principled actions that go against the will of many of their constituents with the knowledge that they will be judged by all the actions at the ballot box.
According to Socialists, Non-Politicians are Dangerous to Our “Democracy”
The 2016 election has become what our Founder’s feared most; rejection due to majority rule mentality. Trump lost the popular vote but won the electoral college, based on state proportional votes that eliminate ‘mob rule’ mentality.
Now, with the impeachment “inquiry” proceeding without even abiding by the Constitutional laws required for such a process, social democrats undermine the very ideals laid out by our Founding Fathers.
“If the meanest man in the republic is deprived of his rights, then every man in the republic is deprived of his rights.”
Jane Addams
Is it any wonder why any present attempt at adhering to Constitutional principles is met with disdain? The Constitution was designed to thwart the very political behavior we now witness from social democrats.
Are you even surprised that open socialists are now running for office, claiming to be upholding our form of government?
A more in depth understanding about the Founding Father’s republic of the United States vs. the misconceptions of today’s “democracy” is contained in my newly-released book:
“The Declaration of Dependence: A Betrayal of the American Dream” – BOOK ONE: Media and the Government
Now Available on!
4 Responses
it must be remembered that WORDS HAVE MEANING, and if you do not understand what political terms mean, specifically, you are doomed to failure. Example: (1) the US is a REPRESENTITIVE REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY. (2) the NEW WAY FORWARD may sound enticing but t he “phrase” is nothing more than a euphemism for OPRESSION in a democratic Republic.
it must be remembered that WORDS HAVE MEANING, and if you do not understand what political terms mean, specifically, you are doomed to failure. Example: (1) the US is a REPRESENTITIVE REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY. (2) the NEW WAY FORWARD may sound enticing but t he “phrase” is nothing more than a euphemism for OPRESSION in a democratic Republic.