Lessons To Be Learned From Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

By Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare”

Japanese Proverb

The current state of our political landscape is horrific, shameful and on the edge of treasonous behavior.

Our encounter with COVID-19 is without precedent. This virus has caused worldwide shutdown, pandemic and eminent economic collapse, in comparison to other seasonal flu viruses that kill tens of thousands more people during the same time frame yet have not caused a pandemic like we are experiencing.

“An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades.  In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013 season.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Historical Flu Virus Reporting

Fact Check: Does it Make Sense?

FACT CHECK #1 – Disease and Economy:

The CDC estimates that, in the US, from October 1, 2019, through February 29, 2020, there were between 34 – 49 million flu illnesses; 350,000 – 620,000 flu hospitalizations; and, 20,000 – 52,000 flu deaths. Yet, the stock market not only remained stable, but also hit new highs.

FACT CHECK #2 – Testing for COVID-19:

The CDC’s diagnostic current test for COVID-19 is called the PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction), derived from the detection of nucleic acid from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

According to the CDC, PCR is NOT meant to be the only definitive test for COVID-19:

“The detection result of this product is only for clinical reference, and it should not be used as the only evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
March 2020

Don’t use the PCR test as the exclusive basis for diagnosing a person with COVID-19. Yet, this is exactly what health authorities are doing all over the world. All positive tests MUST be reported to government agencies, AND THEY ARE COUNTED AS COVID-19 CASES.

FACT CHECK #3 – Misdiagnosis:

The Chinese government decided not to test for the new virus. Instead, they’re doing CT scans of patients’ lungs. If they see evidence of “pneumonia”, they’re going to label all these people as having “COVID-19” (skewing the numbers).

FACT CHECK #4 – Skewed Data and The “Blame Game”:

COVID-19 “modelers” have informed Dr. Fauci that they mistakenly and drastically overstated death rates. Yet the media is blaming Trump’s White House for this misstep.

FACT CHECK #5 – Pandemic Mode:

The COVID-19 tests ARE NOT conclusive and fall far short of proving that ANY person is sick or will get sick. Furthermore, the detection of a viral strain may not indicate the presence of COVID-19. So, why is the U.S. in pandemic mode?

Is it crazy to wonder about how the call for a quarantine, where the entire country is essentially in an economic LOCKDOWN, might just be part of a bigger agenda?

OK… I can see you all rolling your eyes, but before you dismiss the thought, consider the enormous disconnect between the need for a total economic shutdown, keeping people at home for weeks or more, all driven by COVID-19 computer models.

Food for Thought

Treatment “Battle Plans”

All prior viral diseases NOW have vaccines and a “battle plan”. COVID-19 currently has NO treatment whatsoever.

Unprecedented Surveillance Measures

Notice that the CDC suggestions for hand washing, masks and social distancing is slowly being lumped together with loss of constitutional freedoms and the growing need for unprecedented surveillance measures if you violate.

Push for Mandatory Vaccination

Once a vaccine is available, watch for the push for universal, mandatory vaccinations.

Medical “Martial Law”

The weaponizing of COVID-19, under medical “Martial Law”, by definition, does not violate constitutional law.

Media and Citizen Control   

Most importantly, the speed by which COVID-19 has blanketed all aspects of the media, is leading to the ultimate goal of citizen CONTROL.

Political Implications of COVID-19

Any “new” viral strain is dangerous, and COVID-19 can easily fit that description. The problem is that COVID-19 is getting enormous media coverage, suggesting that there is a higher agenda at stake. Of course, this leads to the inevitable conspiracy theories that put the whole topic into turmoil.

  • The political left is losing its battle to regain the presidency.
  • It’s very odd that Trump is faced with a no-win situation, with COVID-19, at this point in the election cycle.
  • The political left has failed at all attempts to remove Trump and it is my opinion that the COVID-19 has now become the political weapon of choice for their next attempt.  

This is terribly disturbing since it is not a conspiracy theory; it is clearly being played out in plain sight.

  • Trump acted swiftly to shut off travel from infected countries and was criticized for grandstanding and being xenophobic.
  • If Trump didn’t act, he would be accused of negligence and be held responsible for whatever deaths occur.  
  • The political left, through its compliant media, has whipped fear into the entire country whereas at this very point LAST YEAR there were some 12,000 deaths from a seasonal flu virus. 

The World Health Organization States:

“Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID-19”

World Health Organization
March 2020

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) States:

“The agent detected in the PCR test may not be the definitive cause of the disease. We also admit that, unless the patient has an acute infection, we can’t find COVID-19.  Therefore, the idea of asymptomatic patients confirmed by the test is nonsense.”

Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA)
March 2020

The Manufacturer of PCR Test Kits States:

“Don’t use the test result alone to diagnose COVID-19 infection or disease; yet, this is exactly what health authorities are doing all over the world.” 

PCR Test Kits Manufacturer
March 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci States:

“The overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza or a pandemic influenza, similar to those in 1957 and 1968, that DID NOT result in any lockdowns. People went outdoors. They mingled. They sat in stadiums. They went to their jobs.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci
“Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted”
New England Journal of Medicine – March 2020

Mixed Political Messages Abound:

  • Governors across the country are shutting down their states to save lives, yet Governor Ralph Northram from Virginia is quick to advocate infanticide. (abortion on demand)
  • Nancy Pelosi attempted to fill the $2.1 trillion aid bill with funding for projects having nothing to do with helping those financially devastated by the economic shutdown. 
  • The media has been avoiding stories about the significance of the inevitable economic human wreckage.  Instead, it’s: “we’ll all get through this, we’re all in this together and don’t forget to wash your hands.”

In my opinion, putting the country into shutdown mode, TANKS all the progress Trump has made over the past 3 years. I’m not making a political statement, I’m debating the only conclusion I can make for the willingness of the lefts’ political machine and their lobbyists, to jeopardize our entire economic system in order to take Trump out. 

The newly passed 2.1 trillion dollar aid bill to supplement workers and businesses is KNOWINGLY full of opportunistic, democratic wish list items that have NO chance of gaining traction unless the items had a HUGE money bill like this one that can be held hostage unless billions were included for things having nothing to do with the intent of the bill. 

This is political, treasonous activity.

A more in depth understanding about pandemics, the media, and government involvement is contained in my book:

“The Declaration of Dependence: A Betrayal of the American Dream”BOOK ONE: Media and the Government

Now Available on Amazon.com!


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