Pandemic? … Or Political Bondage?

By Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA

The intent of this blog is not political. However, it’s impossible to ignore the political fingerprints of the extreme, left-leaning, radical approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are “forced” to follow unprecedented draconian measures in the name of “flattening the advance” of COVID-19. This world has never seen something like this, and frankly, it’s terrifying. Somebody’s gotta speak up!

In previous blogs, I covered many aspects of the Corona virus, but I’d like to share a short video (see below) by Dr. Pam Popper, exposing the truth about COVID-19.

Dr. Popper is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and health, and the Executive Director of The Wellness Forum. She is the author of several books; most notably “Solving America’s Healthcare Crisis”.

Popper is a straight-talking professional who is not afraid to criticize national health organizations, government agencies, medical professionals or pharmaceutical companies- especially those with agendas and priorities that interfere with truthful information.

VIDEO: COVID-19 is the “Holy Grail” for the Radical Agenda

*** EDIT: Original Video was censored then deleted by YouTube… SO the video timeline list (below) doesn’t match the timeline to the current video (above). However, the information is just about the same. Let’s see how long before they censor this as well…

Below is a brief summary of a few key
points covered in Dr. Popper’s Video:

  • 00:08 – The CDC counts Pneumonia, Influenza and Covid 19 deaths all as COVID-19 deaths- a blatantly false statement. Even if we were in bizarro-world and that happened to be true… the overall mortality rate is going DOWN… So, what’s the point of all of these ridiculous, over-the-top safety measures?
  • 03:30 – In Florida, the CDC stated that 22 Labs reported 100% of all their PCR tests were positive, including positive results for people who never took the test. The actual number of positive PCR tests in Florida was between 6% and 9.8%.
  • 06:20 – Ads were placed to hire “Isolation, Quarantine Enforcement Officers” for ensuring obedience to lockdown and quarantine orders: one year before COVID-19 appeared.
  • 10:33 – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a vaccine ID platform system in Africa to prepare for use in America.
  • 12:12 – An analysis of what the future will look like for subsequent pandemics.
  • 12:33 – How future Emergency Health Department orders will legally circumvent all vaccine exemptions.

COVID-19 has been outrageously exaggerated. If there is any lingering doubt in your mind- this video should remove it. The second part of Dr. Popper’s analysis is even more important- because it deals with what lies ahead and reveals the motive for faking the pandemic in the first place. This is one clear-headed and fearless lady.

An Example from History: The Hong Kong Flu Pandemic

Having witnessed the Asian Flu and Hong Kong Flu pandemics (along with every seasonal flu episode over the years), I find this COVID-19 pandemic extremely puzzling. As a healthcare professional and researcher, I believe science and common sense should be the guiding motivation for navigating pandemics. However, politics and corporate influence are the new standard of care for pandemics today. 

For example, The Hong Kong Flu Pandemic of 1968 witnessed an approach to the virus with calm, rationality and intelligence. Citizens simply stayed home if they were sick, so the disease was mitigated by medical professionals, individuals and families, rather than politics, and government experts.

Nathaniel Moir, postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, said it best:

“There were few precautions taken during the Hong Kong pandemic other than washing hands and staying home when sick; It was like the pandemic hadn’t even happened if you look for it in history books! I am still shocked at how differently people addressed or maybe even ignored it in 1968… compared to 2020.”

Nathaniel Moir
Harvard University – John F. Kennedy School of Government

So… What About COVID-19?

Suddenly, this particular COVID pandemic ushers in the implementation of “safety measures” that are funded by non-medical personnel with no scientific validity. As a result, daily exaggerated positive cases and deaths are falsely reported.

Wildly Inaccurate Predictions Create Unnecessary Fear

The Gates Foundation funded two colleges to “predict” the spread of COVID-19: The Imperial College of London and the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle. Their prediction of 2.2 million dead was DRASTICALLY reduced but not after the “scare” damage was done.

In 2005, the same Imperial College of London predicted that 200 million people worldwide would be killed by the bird-flu.

When the “crisis” was over, the virus killed a whopping 282 people worldwide (LINK).

In 2009, the same College again predicted that the swine flu would kill 1/3 of the world population.

The final death toll was 18,500 worldwide (LINK).

Do you see a pattern here?

When Did The American People Start Tucking Their Tails Between Their Legs?

True science has been replaced by scare tactics and forced economic shutdowns along with the relentless media rhetoric of social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizing… OR ELSE!!

Since when is jail time the possibility for not wearing a face mask in public, while the opportunistic, radical drum beat of “peaceful” protests continues to destroy our cities with impunity?

Do you not see an inherent agenda taking place? 

So… What’s Up with Social Distancing, Contact “Tracing”, and Mask-Wearing?

1. Social Distancing

Did you know that the concept of “social distancing” is a byproduct of a “military ID chipping program”, where satellites can track every soldier’s movement, so long as they are at least 6 feet apart for recognition?

Interesting that M.I.T. developed a vaccine tracking ID chip for storing medical information below the skin’s surface. A specialized dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable patient storage of vaccination history, and can be read by satellite as long as they are 6 feet apart.

The idea that a health pandemic could be controlled with social distancing and public lockdowns was first suggested in a 2006 study by Robert J. Glass, a senior scientist at Sandia in New Mexico.

Glass built a computer model that hypothesized how social distancing would save lives. Fun Fact: He got the idea from his daughter’s school science project. It was intended to just be an experiment, but now his model is implemented without actual scientific proof of validity.

2. Masks and Mucous Membranes

Did you know that the Corona virus enters the body through mucous membranes like the eyes as well as the mouth, nose and yes, even the ears?  Blocking a Corona virus via face masks is useless unless it covers your eyes as well.  Good luck with that. 

3. Google, Apple, and Contact “Tracing”

Did you know that Google and Apple have jointly created a “COVID-19 Exposure Notification” App, which has been (or will be) secretly installed on your cell phone under the pretense of “Contact Tracing“? It claims to be a way that the CDC helps stop the spread of Covid-19………Really?!!

“TRACING” is a euphemism for “TRACKING” your every move, which they claim they will not do. You can’t opt out or remove it and it turns itself on when the phone it turned on or updated.

I suppose the App will magically disappear when COVID-19 ends?….. Don’t count on it!

Final Thought: Our Dependence Leads to Bondage

We now live in a world where government organizations such as the CDC and WHO dictate how we run our lives, and those who think to question them are (often publicly) chastised. In essence, our blind dependence is turning into bondage- and that’s right where they want us.

This is best summed up by Scottish Historian Alexander Fraser Tytler in the following:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government………… The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

Alexander Fraser Tyler
Historian – University of Edinburgh

Manipulating nature and how we respond to it, is our gateway to political bondage. Now is the time to educate ourselves and stand up for what’s just.


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6 Responses

  1. Infoforwomen….Thank you.. I try to bring information to the public, not readily available and definitely not infleunced by mainstream media. My contacts are solid and as you said, I will continue to provide the best information possible You can visit my authors website where all my many blogs are posted.

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