The Changing Face of American Society

The Changing Face Of American Society - Blog Feature Image

I was part of a generation that experienced the best America had to offer and yes, I am a first-wave baby boomer. Rebuilding a country after a world war brought out the very best in our culture. The population of the US, before the boomers arrived in 1946, was approximately 140 million. Within a few years, the boomers accounted for a population increase of 79 million and with it a generation of innovation and prosperity.

Subversion Before the 2022 Midterm Election

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Our country is going through a transition from “Government for the People” to “Government in spite of the People”. Who would have ever predicted that the last bastion of freedom would succumb to the “will” of a small minority? Our constitution has built in checks and balances against an out-of-control government.

The Socialist/Communist Takeover of America

Life, Liberty, Property, and the Pursuit of Happiness, once the bedrock of this great country, is becoming a decreasing memory.  America was founded on the principle of “freedom from oppression” that the rest of the world had never experienced.  Freedom came with a heavy price of blood and uncertainty.  One can only imagine the excitement and horror that gripped those brave souls as they took that perilous 12-week journey to cross the Atlantic during the early 1700s.

Impeachment, Hatred, Violence… A Dangerous Political Game

Recent American politics have exposed the best and worst in our elected officials, most of whom are attorneys or former prosecutors, practicing their craft under the guise of congressional cover. The outcome is not a scripted Perry Mason court episode, the outcome can make or break this country.

COVID-19: A Fabricated Ruse- Creating Poverty and Injustice

The time has come to face some realities… The sinister effects of this “pandemic” have us at a tipping point, where fair play and following guidelines are no longer acceptable.

The ultimate “plan” has been exposed. Unless we take back control, America, as we know it, will be a statistical casualty controlled by International Corporations- further protected by corrupt legislation.


Pure Democracy, Representative Republic, Democratic Socialism…Which is the America We Want?

Without diligence and resistance to the forces of tyranny, people will slowly become complacent and “duped” by clever, well-funded politicians, beholden to the ideals of large corporations that expect returns on their investment. Is it any wonder that when a self-made individual like Donald Trump bypasses the system and gains political prominence, governing stops, and the mission strategy changes to a “seek and destroy at all costs”?

Hate Trump? Read This…

In all my years of voting, I never thought a president would be voted upon based on hating one candidate more than approval of the other. One thing is for certain, our upcoming presidential elections will be determined by the millions and millions of dollars spent convincing opposing voters to hate their opponent.

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