U.S. Politics: One Man One Vote or Corporate Control
The perception that politics is corrupted by the influence of big corporations is a widespread and often valid concern. The sheer need for continued widespread private donations to match corporate donor influence is a sure sign of “money talks” in today’s political arena. This viewpoint is clearly visible when related to campaign finance, lobbying, and political behavior. Here’s an overview of some of the factors that influence our political landscape, leading to corruption in politics.
America’s Economic Crossroads: The Urgent Need for Leadership and Accountability
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess (bestowing money to others) out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.”
Jury Nullification… the power of “We the People”
The founders of our constitutional judicial system (most of whom were lawyers themselves) knew that judges and lawyers could all be corrupted. The founders knew that if they didn’t give the jury the final authority to prove guilt or innocence, the legal system would become a tyranny for those who would profit from criminalizing non-criminal activity, which is exactly what we have now in our court system.
The Insanity of Wokeism
Woke insanity is confirmed by the kind of society they attempt to build, where society must be awakened to the injustice of “Racism” and “White Fragility, where all white people are considered racist, a forever hotspot in American culture. Learn why this is pure insanity.
How Much Money Has Congress Taken From Social Security
There is an ongoing debate about whether the Federal government and its spending policies are responsible for the current projections that by the year 2034 the outflow of payments will exceed the inflow of tax revenues to fund the Social Security Program.
The World Economic Forum & the Climate Change Agenda
International elites and corporations formed The World Economic Forum in 1971 as a group of alternative thinkers who would better serve humanity with innovations and technologies. However, in the process, special interest groups have formed an agenda within the WEF and have assumed power with the intent of CONTROLLING world populations under the guise of protecting our food, data, vaccines, and environment. In short, the WEF has assumed the responsibility for protecting humanity, with or without people’s consent.
Central Bank Digital Currency… The Next Financial Revolution
The exchange of goods and services is the basis of all commerce. The methods of exchange have changed from an individually controlled barter system, exchanging one person’s goods or services for an equivalent value of another person’s goods or services. Over time, the cumbersome nature of barter led to a universally accepted “currency” exchange, no longer individually controlled but controlled by a monetary “banking system.”
Where Are Our Tax Dollars Going… The Great Charade
Taxation is the redistribution of wealth that strips US sovereign citizens of their ability to control government spending
The following is the hidden truth about US taxation history and its effect on the lives of every citizen.
Mask Mandates and Covid Myths
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs stated that COVID-19 was pre-planned by an elite group of people to take control over our lives.
Cages: Exposing the Globalist Agenda for Human Trafficking
If you have not seen “Sound of Freedom” you may never understand the depth of government involvement in the human sex trafficking of children by ruthless cartels around the world.