Children’s Choir Singing the Star-Spangled Banner Gets Shut Down by Capitol Police


David Rasbach, the choirs director said, “I was shocked, I was dismayed, I was stunned. “He had secured permission from three congressional offices, including Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, to perform at the U.S. Capitol. “I couldn’t believe that was happening; that they would stop the national anthem, of all songs.”

The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind the Global Warming Deception


Climate change has become the new mantra for controlling the economic and energy sectors of world economies.  The New World Order Elites and the World Economic Forum have convinced the world that “man is evil”, “humans are destroying our planet” and “life-sustaining C02 is a pollutant” that is causing the earth to burn up.

Awakening the Sleeping Giant


The inherent nature of “man” is to follow the crowd.  Those who buck the system are considered rebels, but what happens to the crowd when the system becomes outnumbered by the rebels?

All Is Not What It Appears To Be

Many authors in history have said that “things are not always what they appear to be”. The following are just 12 examples of fabricated and outright fraudulent events that have shaped the history of our U.S.

The Open War waged by the Global Elites on Men and Masculinity


Men of faith, patriotism, and traditional values are the targets. Elites prefer men to embrace weakness, victimhood, sexual deviancy, and a progressive reliance on the state.
A Totalitarian society can only survive if the male population has been emasculated, and disenfranchised. By removing “man’s” natural defense against tyranny, the elite can centralize power and pursue tyranny unopposed.

America At The Breaking Point


As a first-wave boomer, I am forever grateful for the opportunity to live life as it was meant to be by our creator, free from oppression and the controlling dictators of other countries.  America may not be perfect due to the destructive powers available to its leaders but in the end, it’s the resolve of the people that will decide its future.

Socialism In America Today…Our Freedoms Hang in the Balance


Americans who say that socialism means equality for ALL are missing the true meaning of equality as it relates to their lifestyle.  Equal opportunity for all is an American Democratic principle granted under the 14th Amendment of our constitution.  Over time “equality” gave the right to citizens to seek higher education, job opportunity and high paying careers based on their willingness to advance. 

Chaos Theory…The Science of Unpredictability


Chaos Theory is the science of surprises and unpredictability.  It teaches us to expect the unexpected.  Chaos Theory deals with things that are impossible to predict or control.  Recognizing the chaotic nature of our world today gives us insight into the destructive power of a tyrannical government.

If the Government Spied On You, How Would You Know?


Ex CIA officer, Kevin Shipp, exposes the Shadow U.S. Government. “We are living at the 11 hour and 59 minute mark of a post-constitutional government.” This is a must-see presentation that will shake the very foundations of our country

Project Veritas Exposes Pfizer’s Secret Plan


t’s not often that the public gets an inside look at how the pharmaceutical industry can adversely manipulate the health of the population with impunity. Project Veritas exposed what our CDC, FDA, NIH and WHO have failed to do, i.e., reveal the truth.

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