
History Lesson on Your Social Security…Read it and weep!

Social Security has been part of our culture since its introduction as a “Trust Fund” by President FDR in 1935, as a way of protecting the financial status of retired workers after age 65 with retirement benefits and has become a “social” program attempting to circumvent disasters of future economic depressions.

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Compliance vs Obedience…What’s it Gonna Be?

As we enter the third year of the Covid Pandemic, life, as we know it, has changed forever. This will not be the forum to discuss Covid nor its enormous impact on our society but suffice it to say Covid has provided the “cover” that Liberal-minded Americans have been waiting for; to fundamentally change our society

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A Reality Check On Virology - Blog Feature Image -

A Reality Check on Virology

How sad that modern science has led so many astray in their understanding of human body functions by creating fear and panic while reaping vast profits for those in power as a result. Fear creates distrust in nature and our own bodies, making it appear that we are powerless in the face of disease. We have come to accept that only the medical establishment can save us from ourselves. Perhaps it’s time to do a reality check.

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Equity vs. Equality

The words equity and equality are often confused because they appear to mean the same thing in conversation. They both have to do with the way people are treated, and both are used in the fields of law, government, politics, economics, and education. Specifically, these terms are used to describe actions that are attempting to ensure fair treatment of people. However, equity and equality are not the same, and the methods used to achieve them are often very different. Let’s look at what these two words actually mean and how they are being abused in present-day politics.

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Political Observations

The comparison between the Trump Presidency and the Biden Presidency begs the question… why all the continuous turmoil in every facet of our country since Biden became president?

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Leaving Afghanistan…The Truth Revealed

The hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan after a 20-year occupancy without any deterrent for a Taliban takeover is a callous disregard for the 20,752 injured and the 2,456 American soldiers that lost their lives during the conflict.  This is not the forum for discussing the reasons for the Afghanistan war but is of great interest as to WHY the sudden and ill-planned exit.

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The Marxist Revolution Has Arrived

The American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive populace, willing to surrender their freedoms and souls, to the whims of the elites.

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Climate Change Hoax…The Truth Revealed

Patrick Michaels, chief climatologist at the CATO Institute stated that in the last 100 years the global temperature is 9/10th of a degree Celsius higher; hardly the devastation climate scientists want you to believe.

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